Blog EDU-profit

Seasonality in the essay niche

Getting started in the essay niche, the most important thing to know is that the niche is seasonal. This seasonality is dictated by the demand for homework writing services. As in winter, umbrellas are not in great demand, so in summer there is a lull in the niche of academic work. All indicators depend onподробнее

Categories of clients in the essay niche

Our clients fall into two main categories, with their own characteristics and perceptions, which require a different approach to achieve the best result: Native Speakers and ESL. Native Speakers are British, Americans, Australians, Canadians and New Zealanders – in a word, all those who were born and raised in an English-speaking environment and in thatподробнее

Essay site content

As Matt Cutts said: ‘Content is King’, and despite the fact that the “listen to Matt and do the opposite” strategy often led to success, the statement applies a little more than completely to this niche. Content in the essay niche is the foundation of the basics, not only positions in the Google bourgeoisie dependподробнее

How to choose a domain

It is better to take domains PMD (partial match domain) based on the MF key, because it was noticed that domain names that contain the exact occurrence of the key suffered from the Exact Match Domain filter, which was in 2012. It is best to dilute the domain with all sorts of words like best,подробнее