It is better to take domains PMD (partial match domain) based on the MF key, because it was noticed that domain names that contain the exact occurrence of the key suffered from the Exact Match Domain filter, which was in 2012. It is best to dilute the domain with all sorts of words like best, ,4me, 2get, my, company, now, help, service.

As you can see from the top10 RF queries, domains take mostly [title of work][generic word] – for example, paperlead, grabessay, assginmentnest, dissertationcapital.

At the same time, Google has already perfected its brand query algorithms, so you can create branded sites, for example, take some simple word that is easy to remember. You can also create a contact page with an address, postal code, a built-in google.maps map with the location of your virtual office and phone number – it increases the client’s confidence in you, and in our niche, the native client is very attentive to such details. (You can get such contact details on name generation services, or on services that provide virtual offices). can help you choose a domain name. Specify 3 keywords that are preferable to be present in the domain, + add numbers, hyphens, if the domains with the desired keywords are already taken and select. Also, you can subscribe to a weekly newsletter with dropped domains.

Be sure to check the domain for drops on the sites, or on another similar service. After choosing a domain (you can collect a list of favorites), you should definitely check its history – whether you will inherit a filter from the previous owner. To do this, you can see what happened to the site through and evaluate its traffic using Semrush, for example. If he was and suddenly fell, it is better to forget about the domain.

We do not recommend registering with godaddy – everyone knows their domain blocking practice and strict DMCA policy. It is better to use a registrar that you trust and keep in touch with, or some local one from the USA.

Whois can either be hidden or registered under a fake bourgeois name. FakeNameGenerator, is suitable for this, the main thing is that the location is in the USA. Don’t use the hackneyed John Smith names.

The level of computer literacy in the West has already risen quite strongly, especially since we are dealing with students who received their first computers and smartphones from Santa Claus already at the age of ten. Among other things, in our niche there are compassionate fighters for morality who are very fond of ripping off covers and worsening the reputation of sites – their forum easily ranks in the top 5 for reputation queries about a domain or service. “Tell me, what’s his name?” (C) essayscam [dot] org, of course.

You can take any hosting, preferably in the country under which you will promote the site. The Netherlands is a good option, but since Google openly admits that site loading speed for a specific location is a ranking factor, it’s better to host in the USA, fortunately, they have plenty of hosting. Those who are especially handy can take the Amazonian aws or connect cloudflare.

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